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How to do it if you are sitting whole day at your office

12. 7. 2014

Hi everybody, let's see today how should look like the workout of the typical begginer who's sitting whole day at his office and who's got a typical "office disbalances". It's a continuation of my previous two articles, so if you wouldn't read them, it would be useful to read them first. You can find them on my website as well as on my Facebook page. There are some body parts, for which I wrote several possible exercises, so if you want to practise this workout, choose one of them. So let's go:

1. warm up: a few minutes on the bike or treadmill is enought

2. initial stretching: it should include at least following:

- stretching of the pectoral muscles

- stretching of the upper fibers of the trapezius

- stretching of the lower back and the rear side of thighs

- stretching of the hip flexors

3. strengthening: principle from the center to peripheries:

- deep abdominal muscles: breathing into the abdomen (lying, on the knees, later maybe without one or two props - it depends on your level)

- abs: pushing the pelvis up / crunches / side crunches (mind, no "lie-sits"!!!)

- spin rotators: rotation of the body on the knees - there exists several modifications

- back: pull downs on the cable crossover machine with the arm rotation (mind, it's not the chest cable crossover exercise!) / dumbel rows lying on your chest (both sides together) / machine rows - there exists many different machines

- "between scapulas muscles" with the rear part of the delts: lying on the chest lateral raises (it can be also done sitting in the bent over position, but for the begginer is the lying modification better) / delt deck

- upper fibres of the pectoralis: some modification of the incline presses or incline flies / machine modification of that / pullover (it also affects the serratus)

- muscles in the pelvic area: side walk with the rubber expander / hip abductor machine / glute machine

- quadriceps: if you are able to do a propper squat, then squats (at first without additional weight, if it's easy then face to the wall), if not, then leg press

4. cardio: it doesn't have anything common with the strengthening of the hull corset, but if you want to increase your condition or burn some fat, then it's more then useful. Walking on the treadmill, biking or another cardio machine, at least 20 minutes to get some effect.

5. final stretching: it should be focused on the muscles with the tendency to shortening, so stretch the same muscles as during the initial stretching

Stretch everything at least twice and for strengthening do everything in three sets by twelve to fifteen reps. You need to learn a propper style, so you shouldn't go to your maximum. How heavy should be the weights will be a topic of one of the future articles, but I have to say a word about the technique of each exercise: to learn the propper technique of exercising is one of the most important things when you are starting working out and to do something wrong and to automatize wrong technique is one of the worst things which can happen to you at this phase of your development. So although I'm planning to make a set of videos on which I'll try to show you how to do it corretly, it's more than useful for you to hire a really good trainer (not the one, who does the chest and biceps on the first training with a new client or who force him to use the TRX) who will control you and who will correct you, because you will probably do something wrong and it's very important to correct it at the beginning.

So that's all for today and I'll add something new soon ;-)